Professional getaway driver Frank Martin is living in Miami and filling in as a chauffeur for a government official. When the official's son is kidnapped, Frank jumps into action to rescue the child, and expose the crime at hand.
2 ½ stars

Movie Review
Transporter 2 is exactly what you get when get a director known for stylised, fast over-the-top direction (like Louis Leterrier), and have him helm a sequel to a film by a director known for stylised, Hong Kong Legends martial arts action (Cory Yuen).
It’s too much.
You can definitely see the early Fast X DNA brewing here from Leterrier. At times, the action is fast and fun, but every once in a while, something so bombastic happens that you're left scratching your head. Sadly, almost everything Leterrier added to this franchise is what caused this series of movies to drive off a cliff.
There’s still fun to be had in this instalment, but it’s worse than the first in almost every way. The exception being Statham, who is in great form, handling some tricky choreography.
The story is nothing to write home about. It lacks the silly fun of the first film, and the comedic moments don't hit as well. But that's not why anyone watches a Transporter movie. I'll give it credit that it does actually try to be different. It's creative. Not good, mind you. But creative.
That said, Transporter 2 is not a long movie. It’s mostly easy enough to watch. The villains will probably make you groan (Lola is possibly one of the worst onscreen villains I've seen…too campy to be taken seriously, too serious to be enjoyed).
But you will cheer when Statham wields coconuts as weapons.
Are there any animals in Transporter 2?
There are no animals in Transporter 2.
Should you watch Transporter 2?
The first Transporter film is better in every way. But if you've already watched it, and want a different tale starring Jason Statham's Frank Martin, Transporter 2 will likely be an okay way to pass the time.
2 ½ stars.
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